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March 19, 2018, 07:06:08 am rangepure069: where do i download the client

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June 17, 2015, 10:30:38 am D3wi: kill1 add my skype dewi.coleman

June 17, 2015, 10:28:12 am D3wi: ALL DOWNLOAD https://www.dropbox.com/s/1y9r4obausb8vud/Shadow-RS667.jar?dl=0

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June 12, 2015, 08:51:34 am rockshift: IM GOING TO KILL UR MOTHER! you mother fucker!IM GOING TO KILL UR MOTHER! you mother fucker!

June 12, 2015, 08:51:33 am rockshift: IM GOING TO KILL UR MOTHER! you mother fucker!IM GOING TO KILL UR MOTHER! you mother fucker!

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Author Topic: Basic drop guide  (Read 234 times)


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Basic drop guide
« on: May 24, 2015, 11:38:57 am »
Basic Drop guide by d3wi

Common: 20m cash,10m cash
Rare: Blue Torva Pieces
Common: 30m cash,10m cash
Rare: Flame Torva Pieces
24k Torva
Common: 40m cash,10m cash
Rare: 24K Torva Pieces
Burst Torva
Common: 50m cash,10m cash
Rare: Burst Torva Pieces
Predator Torva
Common: 60m cash,10m cash
Rare: Predator Torva Pieces
Cyrex Torva
Common: 70m cash,10m cash
Rare: Cyrex Torva Pieces
Fire Torva
Common: 10m cash,100m cash
Rare: Fire Torva Pieces
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion, Crystal Key
Rare-Virtus Set,Pernix Set, Torva Set
King black dragon
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion
 Rare-Vissage,Dragon Full Helm,1B check, Dragon Pl8body,Dragon Pl8legs
Tormented demons
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion,
Rare-Dragon Claws ,23113:1, 23117:1 ,1b check,2b check
Corporal beast
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion,
Rare-Spirit Shield,Holy Elixir,Blessed SS,Arcane Sigil, Divine Sigil,Ely Sigil, Spectral Sigil, Arcane Pulse Necklace,Arcane Blast Necklace,Arcane Stream Necklace
Kalphite queen (KQ)
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion
Rare-Dragon Full Helm, Dragon Pl8body ,Dragon Pl8legs, Dragon Claws
Common-5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion
Rare-Barrelchest Anchor, Flippers, 1b check,2b check
Common:Crystal Key,6m cash
Rare:Virtus Items,Pernix Items, Vanguard Set,  Blade Of Destruction, Google Chrome Sword,Gold Dragon
Common:5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion, Crystal Key
Rare:Elegant Clothes, Partyhats
::mbox( mourner)
Common:5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion,
Rare:Mystery Box
Common: 5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion,
Rare:Brutal Whip,Blue Brutal,24K Brutal, Burst Brutal,Predator Brutal, 3290:1 ,2b Ticket ,100m cash
Common: 5m cash, Super Restore,Strength Potion,
Rare:Superman Body,Superman Legs, Superman Cape, Cigarette,Foam Finger, Bunny Ears

Common:200m cash,  Crystal Key
Rare:Glowing dagger, Blood necklace, Doomcore staff, Golden precision bracelet, Seeker charm, Berserker ring (v), (iv), (iii), Energy sword, Twin chopper sword, Ice Claw, Cigarette, Foam finger, Starter sword, Anonymous mask, Lightslayer wings, Beastly sword, Lightslayer cape, Angel boot, Abyssal rapier, Armadyl godsword
Rare:Blood necklace, Colorful partyhat, Superman cape, Elemental whip, Vestige winged cape
Common: 2b tickets, ckey
Rare:Capto set, Nation set, Vortex set

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