In-Game Suggestions / little suggestion
« Last post by oromis on June 11, 2015, 10:58:19 am »Hey, i was wondering if home could be changed feel free to comment where to change it
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In-Game Suggestions / little suggestion« Last post by oromis on June 11, 2015, 10:58:19 am »Hey, i was wondering if home could be changed feel free to comment where to change it
Introductions / my introduction« Last post by oromis on June 11, 2015, 10:52:43 am »Hello!
my name is Ants and i hope to get new friends ingame feel free to add me ingame, oromis. 3
Server Discussion / Re: logos?« Last post by rockshift on June 09, 2015, 07:13:19 am »i Can make em.. just pm me ingame- Rockshift
Server Discussion / logos?« Last post by rockshift on June 09, 2015, 07:12:30 am »is this server intrested making logos? My own made is this one-
Server Discussion / I have to talk to a Admin (Owner)« Last post by kill1 on June 08, 2015, 05:22:21 pm »guys i need a admin to contact me or dewi's skype, its important. pls answer me !
Server Discussion / Re: server is down!!?? staff read please« Last post by kill1 on June 08, 2015, 04:58:06 pm »hello sir, the server is on again, im sorry for the downtime. you all can start playing again. Have a nice day
Server Discussion / server is down!!?? staff read please« Last post by johnbeezy on June 07, 2015, 04:52:53 pm »someone logged on with the name 27 and then the server went down. please get the server up and running again i just posted a youtube vid that will get us a decent amount of players and plus i just had surgery and i have nothing to do and the server has helpd alot. please add my skype its johnbeezy420
In-Game Suggestions / Re: Suggestions« Last post by Eric on June 02, 2015, 03:13:24 pm »For Amulets, ::pummeler and ::protector both drop Blood Necklaces.
For the Bosses, there are many ways of profiting, for example, grinding at Cyrex may make you a good amount, but it will also get you the gear to do other bosses such as Project Nightmare Boss, or ::pummeler. And last of all for events, I believe I will be hosting an event almost every week (I will try too) if not more than once a week. I hope to see you all participate and win awesome prizes! Thanks, Eric 10
In-Game Suggestions / Suggestions« Last post by reves on June 01, 2015, 09:36:52 pm »1. Amulets: As of now, all I can find to wear around my neck in game is the amulet of strength at best. If fury at least could be added, it would be greatly appreciated.
2. Bosses: I've found out that fighting cyrex torva is the most profitable money maker at the moment. Since this would become boring after a bit of time spent grinding for gear there, I've thought of a new money making method. I was thinking add a boss that requires 3-4 players to take on to defeat. The drops would be the best armour or weapons. They even could be custom shields, capes, amulets, etc. 3. Weekly Events: I was thinking that every week, there would be a new event hosted. The winner of the event would get a nice reward. Examples of events are best drop tab, most xp in a skill, most kills on a single monster, all in one week. Thanks for reading, I understand all of them might not get put in, or none will, but I hope you take them into consideration.
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